- Shutterbuggery | a photography blog by r.b. fairchild

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I hope you’ve been keeping an eye on my Flickr stream, because that is the best place at the moment to see my photographic updates. I’m still living a hermit-like existence as I toil in the justice mines of this major hearing process, but things are wrapping up before too long and I will have lots of horrible, horrible freedom in which to update you with my many visual endeavours.

Although I’m still in the thick of hearings, and thus have precious little free time that isn’t dominated by research and writing, I’ve recently updated my Etsy shop with a few additional prints that I really wanted to share.  This has been a year of encouragingly good sales, particularly now, and I am hopeful that expanding my offerings will mean that even more people find something they want to take home and proudly display.

Check ’em out!

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