- Shree Sai Hospital – ICU, ICCU & TRAUMA UNIT

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The heart is comprised of the pericardium, myocardium, and endocardium. Pathology in any of those structures can lead to heart failure. Left ventricular failure occurs when there is dysfunction of the left ventricle causing insufficient delivery of blood to vital body organs.

We perform following surgery. 1. Hernia, Inguinal/Incisional. 2. Piles/hermmorroids. 3. Laparotomy Perforated ulcer/intestine. 4. Biopsy.

1. Cataract surgery. 2. Small abscess incision & drainage. 3. Ear- lobe repair. 4. Small to medium Contused, Laserated wound suturing. 5. Nail Removal.

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