- Sherry's Turn – I have something to say and its my time to say it!

Description: I have something to say and its my time to say it!

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So on nights like tonight when I am having a hard time going to sleep I watch YouTube. Tonight’s viewing were some Antifa protests at various locations. My observation in all the videos was this: • Antifa members look like they still live in mom and dads basement. […]

Last night our daughter was admitted into the hospital due to a severe flare due to her Crohn’s disease. She has been in excruciating pain for days not only with her stomach but with the other things that this horrible disease effects like the arthritis in her back, […]

It really scares me to think that people, in this case “the liberal left” are plotting terrorist attacks on the day of the inauguration. For a group of people who claim to be “tolerant and peace-loving” I am seeing so much intolerant talk and behavior. The term, “practice […]