- Sheri Cohen Movement Education | Seattle Feldenkrais, Yoga & Dance

Description: Everything you need to know about Sheri Cohen Movement Education, the Seattle Feldenkrais, Yoga and Dance practice of Sheri Cohen

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Seattle Feldenkrais | Yoga | Dance

Private Feldenkrais® lessons, also called Functional Integration®, are a hands-on form of tactile, kinesthetic communication. If you have a particular question, acute difficulty, or if you are someone who learns best in one-on-one environments, private lessons may be best for you.

Drop in on one of my weekly classes in yoga or the Feldenkrais Method®. Immerse yourself in special workshops, retreats or the eight-month-long Feldenkrais Immersion. Offerings include advanced yoga training, mentoring for Feldenkrais Practitioners, and dance for beginners.

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