- Healing Energy - Art and Jewelry

Description: Crystals, gemstones, minerals, precious metals, glass, and mirror come together to create specific energy fields.

art (55233) jewelry (7034) gifts (6777) energy (6081) healing (5712) gold (5117) protection (3470) mirrors (690) field (594) metaphysical (450)

Example domain paragraphs

FILLING THE NEED FOR BEAUTY I am an award winning multi-media mosaic artist and my passion is to create art that explores and plays with light, reflection, and patterns creating layers and textures to experience, explore, and enjoy.

HIGH VIBRATIONAL ARTIST I am an award winning multi-media mosaic artist and my passion is to create art that explores and plays with light, reflection, and patterns creating layers and textures to experience, explore, and enjoy.

I am the featured artist for the annual spring flower show, and will be exhibiting a series of dynamic and sparkly mosaics that delve deep into the hidden geometry within the delicate structures of flowers. I have created a series of flower themed mandalas unraveling the intricate beauty and rich symbolism found within geometric shapes. Prepare to be enchanted with my pieces hung within gorgeous spring flower vignettes. My hope is to provide a glimpse into the captivating world of flowers where geometry and