- ShareLifeAfrica – Christian Podcast & Radio Daily Encouragements

Description: Share Life Africa Share Life Africa Share your faith with confidence. Available On This Week on ShareLifeAfrica! Gospel Presentation 4 Videos Grace Man (Human R

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Share your faith with confidence .

Psalm 73 says it well, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Through the deep gratitude that we have for our Savior, we use the strength He gives us to serve others. And it’s a delight to His heart when we do.

Jesus said in Matthew twenty-five that if we help the less fortunate…”whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” As children of God, our hearts should be aligned with God’s heart. And God tells us God is patiently waiting so as many as would call on His name would have a chance to do so. Today is the day we should serve others and tell them the Greatest News: that Jesus loves them and has died on the cross to take on the penalty for their sins.

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