- Healthy Sexuality – A guide for adults.

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A guide for adults.

Lourdes Mantecón-Garza is an MD graduated in 1982 from the School of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, in Monterrey, Mexico. She pursued specialized studies in Internal Medicine at the Metropolitan Hospital SSA in the same city in 1988. In addition,  she is ISSWSH Fellow and a certified Sexuality Counselor by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). She lectures physician residents in both US and Mexico with a dedication to helping providers und

Every type of sexual problem is address ed , from sex after breast cancer or prostate cancer , sex with chronic diseases such as DM or HT N , ca using problems such as erectil e dysfunction or painful sex , and / or sex and menopaus e . She also address es problems such as mismatched sexual desire , or routine s that affect relationships,   or how to recover from in fidelity or abuse . She has help ed women , men and partners regain sexual satisfaction , confidence and trust in relationship s , joy and self