- Sewing Contractor Companies | Fabrication Services

Description: Save time and quickly locate the country's top sewing contractor companies and suppliers that specialize in excellent customer service and quality products.

sewing contractors (9) sewing contractor suppliers (1)

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Sewing contractors are businesses that provide services related to industrial sewing. Some of these services include design, prototyping, fabrication, engineering, and packaging. Contractors can provide commercial sewing services, which involve manufacturing products that are uniform and can go straight to business shelves. Additionally, contractors can provide custom-sewn fabric products for individuals which are not mass produced.  Read More…

CustomFab USA has been a trusted American sewing contractor since our inception in 1990. Our 77,000 square foot high-tech manufacturing facility allows us to produce and ship a myriad of products. We have experience serving industries such as medical, sporting goods, military, aerospace, pets, and travel. With unparalleled customer service, a skilled manufacturing workforce, and tried-and-true...

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