- Serres Primavera

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Gardening is a hobby that is used by a lot of people as a hobby or as a channel of releasing frustration and stress. Even if you find it hard to grasp it, is indeed a great way to release the tension. That’s why, in this modern life, where life is so speedy; hobbies do take an important role in making us remind who we are and what we stand for.

Thus it has become one of the ways where you can blend with nature and feel yourself, within you. So no wonder gardening does take a significant role in mental health.

It can give a sense of responsibility. Just like we take responsibility while taking care of kids, even the plants needs care, love, and attention. So while gardening, you feel the plants as a part of your life which gives a sense of responsibility within you. Since you solve them, you yourself build this responsibility within you which helps in other aspects of life.