- | The Central Role of the News Media on 9/11

Description: On 9/11, the TV networks aired a concerted 2-hour movie split between multiple channels. This was a false Hollywood-style Manhattan using special effects, actors, computer-generated, doctored footage. Multiple techniques of image manipulation were employed to simulate 'airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center'. We now have conclusive evidence that the TV networks were proactively complicit in staging this false-flag operation needed to gather public consensus to wage immensely profitable, illegal wars

9/11 inside job (6) 9/11 conspiracy (5) 9/11 forensics (1) no planes on 9/11 (1) 9/11 false flag (1) tv fakery (1) today's propaganda (1) mock funerals (1) vicsims (1) september clues (1)

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SEPTEMBER CLUES 9/11 (original upload by the author) CLICK ON ABOVE IMAGE TO START THE 92-MIN DOCUMENTARY SEPTEMBER CLUES (2008) - by Simon Shack YOU MAY ALSO FIND ALL OF MY ADDITIONAL 9/11 RESEARCH VIDEOS AT THIS LINK: SC TOUR GUIDE SEPTEMBER CLUES is now available in 12 (subtitled) languages : Italian subtitles • French subtitles • German subtitles • Portuguese subtitles • Russian subtitles • Slovak subtitles • Spanish subtitles Korean subtitles • Esperanto subtitles • Arabic subtitles • Turkish subtitles

Since initiating this body of research in 2007, we have pried open a true gold mine of new information about how military operations like 9/11 work, simply by trying to create awareness about it. This includes consistent relentless attacks on our research and attempts to derail all meaningful investigation into media fakery. It seems that a number of different, similar operations have been occurring throughout history for an unknown number of years. It is high time to expose them all - and to put an end to

SYNCHED OUT from simon shack on Vimeo .

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