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Description: SEO Logic, since 1996. We began as a web development shop, hand-coding websites for clients and building vertical directories to help consumers find healthcare service providers. As the early-stage search engines began getting traction, we turned our focus to consulting and development work to help clients rank high for organic search results. SEO and web

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We can help. SEO and web application development are in our company DNA. The philosophy that guides our SEO efforts is summed up in The 4 C's of SEO: Code, Content, Connectivity, and Commitment.

We began as a web development shop, hand-coding websites for clients and building vertical directories to help consumers find healthcare service providers. As the early-stage search engines began getting traction, we turned our focus to consulting and development work to help clients rank high for organic search results. SEO and web application development are in our company DNA… and that helps us drive maximum ROI for our clients.

CJ is one of the few Search Engine Optimization experts I’ve encountered who has actually done his own research and study on the subject. That level of expertise makes a major difference – most experts I’ve encountered in other settings simply repeat “tactics” that they’ve read or heard elsewhere.