- SensorTalk™ | Open Sensor API

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As part of the natural evolution of technology, the Sensor industry is moving towards capturing it’s characterization data and related function, on a chip, embedded at the Sensor level. This convergence of data and function may be loosely referred to as “Smart Sensor” technology, and every major Sensor manufacture is going to market with their own proprietary and mutually exclusive implementation. Our objective is to create a common all-inclusive language platform to encourage interoperability - this platfo

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SensorTalk ™ is an Application Programming Interface, commonly referred to as an “API”. It is a published standard of commands, parameter types, and data structure that supports all common interaction between sensors, transmitters, and process readings. This standard is open for industry collaboration, and is moderated and controlled by a committee of industry peers. With the creation of this centralized and openly published command set, instrumentation makers can invest in their designs with the assurances