- Last Chance for Animals - United Seniors for Animals

Description: Last Chance for Animals is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating animal exploitation through education, investigations, legislation, and media attention. The organization believes that animals are highly sentient creatures who exist for their own reasons independent of their service to humans; they should thus not be made to suffer for the latter. LCA therefore opposes the use of animals in food and clothing production, scientific experimentation, and entertainment. Instead it promo

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United Seniors for Animals (USA)

United Seniors for Animals (USA) is a program created for seniors who want to make a positive difference in the lives of animals. USA chooses to focus on the good that comes from working to save animals . We’ll tell you how to take action on  urgent issues and report on the constructive outcome of your efforts. That’s the great part of being a participant – you get the wonderful satisfaction of knowing that your actions have had a real impact and helped to make life-saving changes for the animals.