- Securus Systems

Description: Securus Systems, a private consultancy, specializes in creating artificially intelligent business, trading and accounting systems.

ai (8478) artificial intelligence (3557) machine learning (3318) consultants (2304) ml (520) intelligent business systems (2) smart trading platforms and accounting systems (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Securus Systems is a leading developer and hosting platform provider for integrated machining learning and artificially intelligent business systems. These services span functions from inventory control, accounting and customer relationship management systems.

Learning algorithm development is one of our core competencies. When paired with our artificially intelligent agents and big data these algorithms can achieve almost magical results. A few commonly deployed approaches we’ve leveraged in the past include:

Our AI agents, working in concert with our supporting learning machines and data streams, complete a system triad that’s able to autonomously maximize its environment to achieve operational goals. From creating efficient asset management strategies to executing them our AI agents achieve domain autonomy through deduction, learning and problem solving. In finance, our AI agents operational activities include information classification and activity execution. Unlike systems activity managed by people our AI