- SEA Ops | Southeast Asia Opportunities

Description: The mission of Southeast Asia Opportunities is to do evangelism, discipleship and church planting among the unengaged, unreached peoples of Southeast Asia–“the edge”.

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The mission of Southeast Asia Opportunities is to do evangelism, discipleship and church planting among the unengaged unreached peoples of Southeast Asia, the edge.

Are you looking for short-term mission trips with a long-term impact? Do you want a trip that is flexible to your calling? Southeast Asia Opportunities (SEA OPS) is inviting you on an adventure to Southeast Asia for a trip specifically designed to do what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do. SEA OPS will be flexible to how long the trip is and what the trip’s mission objectives are according to God and His leading through prayer by the team and SEA OPS leadership.

There are many volunteer ministry options ranging from teaching in the cities, evangelism among hill tribe people, passing out Bibles and tracts, doing VBS, to helping in a local day care or Christian kindergarten and on and on. Whatever your gift and your calling is, SEA OPS wants to facilitate the Lord’s will in your life and have a long-term impact among the lost peoples of Southeast Asia with the help of short-term workers.