- John Barham Carter

Description: Home page of John Barham Carter, a rock artist from Newsoms. Small town boy dreams big, and releases his debut album "Sea Of Blue." His varied musical styles offer something for everyone. There is even a Christmas Track at the end of the record called

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John Barham Carter Home Music Shows Photos Store Contact Any Given Tuesday John Barham Carter Recording of Sea Of Blue At Darth Fader Studios with Rich, Clif, Grant, Rus, Red, with Rob down below. Share photo gallery Clif Franck, a drumming somebody (in most of  the above picures), Rich  Bronson (on acoustic), Rus Vergara (on the Couch) telling stories about times like when he bought Neil Young a Hotdog before a show.  Red Redling on keyboards, then Grant minding the mix and bottom center is Rob Robinson, b

More on Clif Franck:  MVP of this project by far!  The time he put in at home to come up with the new Drum tracks for my old ADAT songs, to bring them up to date..  Then he comes into Darth Fader and lays down the drums to 6 different songs in 1 day.  That is an amazing accomplishment, and it still blows my mind when I think about it.   A one man Wrecking Crew!!!  I will be forever indebted to him for his work on this project!!!!!  

CD Includes a download of Hokie High 2018 Add to cart: $9.99 In cart Not available Out of stock $9.99 Read more… Share