- Sean Edevane

Description: Web Development & Cybersecurity | Building & Breaking Web Applications

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Latest articles Epoch Room Writeup Published on 29 March 2023 My approach to writeups: Before we get into the post, for me creating writeups is primarily a learning exercise. While documenting how I reached the solution is an important part of a writeup what I care about more is the thought process of working to find the solution, both the obstacles and eventual discoveries. By writing in this way it's my goal to improve my own thought processes and develop a more systematic methodology for approaching thes

Epoch was released as the second challenge during TryHackMe's 2022 Halloween event, and is classified as an easy web app room. The prompt for us is:

"Be honest, you have always wanted an online tool that could help you convert UNIX dates and timestamps! Wait... it doesn't need to be online, you say? Are you telling me there is a command-line Linux program that can already do the same thing? Well, of course, we already knew that! Our website actually just passes your input right along to that command-line program!"

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