- SCS: Self-contained Systems

Description: An architectural approach that separates a larger system’s functionality into many independent, collaborating systems.

Example domain paragraphs

The Self-contained System (SCS) approach is an architecture that focuses on a separation of the functionality into many independent systems, making the complete logical system a collaboration of many smaller software systems. This avoids the problem of large monoliths that grow constantly and eventually become unmaintainable. Over the past few years, we have seen its benefits in many mid-sized and large-scale projects.

The idea is to break a large system apart into several smaller self-contained systems, or SCSs, that follow certain rules. 1/42 2/42 3/42 4/42 5/42 6/42 7/42 8/42 9/42 10/42 11/42 12/42 13/42 14/42 15/42 16/42 17/42 18/42 19/42 20/42 21/42 22/42 23/42 24/42 25/42 26/42 27/42 28/42 29/42 30/42 31/42 32/42 33/42 34/42 35/42 36/42 37/42 38/42 39/42 40/42 41/42 42/42 Swipe left to see more slides

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