- Scripto

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Scripto brings the power of MediaWiki to your Omeka sites. Designed to allow members of the public to transcribe a range of different kinds of files, Scripto will increase your content’s findability while building your user community through active engagement.

Scripto opens up the possibilities of community-sourced transcription, translation, or description for digital humanities projects in universities, libraries, archives, and museums. With easy-to-implement extensions for the Omeka Classic and Omeka S, Scripto allows administrators for any project to now enlist a community of enthusiasts to participate in this aspect of cultural heritage work.

Scripto is an open-source tool that permits registered users to view digital files and transcribe them with an easy-to-use toolbar, rendering that text searchable. The tool includes a versioning history and editorial controls to make public contributions more manageable, and supports the transcription of a wide range of file types (both images and documents).

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