- Sampson County Partnership for Children

education (19799) children (9703) non-profit (4169) child care (1661) teacher education (35) school readiness (15) early care (12) scpfc (1) children\'s heath services (1) ncpre-k (1)

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Sampson County Partnership for Children is a non-profit public/private organization designed to provide programs and services for children ages 0-5 and their families in Sampson County. The Partnership’s programs and activities focus on areas of early care and education and are aimed to provide support in school readiness, high quality child care, teacher education and accessing children’s health services.

The Partnership for Children of Sampson County is 100% funded through federal and state funding as well as private donations. In-house programs and services include: 

The Partnership partners with other agencies and organizations that provide services to young children 0-5 years of age and their families in Sampson County.