- Scottsdale Pet Expert

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It is said that it takes more energy to be angry than to be happy. Being in the pet industry, how could one ever be angry? Personally, I am greeted by wagging tails, sloppy kisses, and purring kitties most of the day. It is great!

As some of you may (or may not know) I am also a business coach. I coach people all over the United States and Canada on how to perfect their small home based, service providing business. ( www.jumpconsulting.n et ) A few weeks ago I was helping a person with a billiard company and we “shopped” his competition by calling his biggest competitor. The first five minutes of the conversation was this other business owner trash talking his “competition.” I was appalled and honestly turned off listening to him. Th

Most recently, I was searching through pet sitting websites. I am sad to say that I found a similar incident. It surprises me how some want to focus on (what they perceive to be) the negative’s of other businesses, while ignoring the fact that they should be spending their time, energy, and advertising opportunity to positively highlight the caliber of their business. How about highlighting the good things about your business and why you are different rather than bashing other companies? Take the high road.