- Scigine: Biochemistry and Scientific methods search engine

Description: Search for methods in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and clinical science.

chemistry (1042) biology (980) biochemistry (167) methods (110) protocols (58) clinical science (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Scigine organizes scientific methods and protocols scoured from the web in addition to incorporating methods submitted by its users. Unlike databases like PubMed, which search for the contents of entire research articles, we focus on scientific methods . We believe that scientific methods are the backbone on which new discoveries are made. Sharing knowedge of methods with collaborators and colleagues also enables our users to build new connections and demonstrate expertise.

Find millions of biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology methods with citations in major academic journals.

Modify methods and store them online in your private collection. Access your methods anywhere and anytime.... especially on mobile phones and tablets.