- Science 4 Beauty

Description: Science4Beuty Sp. z o.o. is carrying a project co-financed by European Funds “Conocream – a new generation of cosmeceutical with a myorelaxant effect”. The aim of the project is to obtain a new generation cosmeceutical with a myorelaxant effect, analogous to botulinum toxin, in a bacterial expression system of E.coli, not used for this purpose so far, applicable in the industry of innovative biocosmetic products

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The Cream is inspired by the resources of nature – C. consors snails, which are natural source of those unique proteins – conotoxins. Conocream is bio-friendly and no snails were harmed in the process of its development.

Our secret ingredient – Miorelaxant Magic is a small peptide originally isolated from the venom of marine Cone snails. It is highly active and potent molecule used to paralyze their victim.

Our key ingredient is a small peptide that does the Miorelaxation Magic . This means that small ion channels are blocked in facial muscle resulting in relaxation of face muscle. Less tense muscles = less wrinkles! It acts only up to 48 hours so you can regain your facial expressions whenever you need it.

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