- Watch Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution – There’s a revolution transforming education and it’s not happening in the

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Menu Watch Now Stream the feature-length documentary, Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution , for free! Watch the movie and claim your free Homeschool Survival Kit. PLAY THE FILM We never share your information with third parties and will protect it in accordance with our  Privacy   Policy . _bswpForms.ics.push({"id":30450,"type":"in-content","design":1,"is_post_submit_message":false,"triggers":{"filters":{"hide":[],"show":[],"hide_more":{"match":"any","filters":[{"active":false,"filter":{"name":"su

“I’ve been concerned for decades with the effect the public education system is having on our nation’s youth. And it has only gotten worse in recent years. Our precious children (and grandchildren) are much too important to entrust to a system that seeks to indoctrinate them with the radical ideology of the Left. Schoolhouse Rocked is excellent and a wonderful testimony to the growing popularity of home schooling and the superior education that it provides young people.”  –  Dr. James Dobson

“This is not an exaggeration to say, this is the movement that is needed to save this country.” –  Rick Green , Patriot Academy

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