- – School Quality and Teacher Education

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The FWF project ‘School Quality and Teacher Education’ (SQTE) conducts research on the historico-political, social and pedagogical factors of successful school quality development and school turnaround in England (1990-2020). Which policies and initiatives enabled school development? Which measures contributed to the compensation of social disadvantage in London and other regions of England, which received worldwide attention?

In order to find answers to these questions, headteachers of successful and highly effective schools in England were interviewed on their experiences with school quality development. What were the central levers to improve their schools? How did they suceed in raising the learning outcomes of pupils? How can we utilize their experiences for the practices of school development, teacher development and headteacher training in the Austrian context?

The project focuses particularly on schools in difficult circumstances that attain excellent learning outcomes despite a high proportion of pupils from disadvantaged home backgrounds; specifically, the research looks at schools in deprived areas of London that have improved considerably over the last 15 years in the context of the „ London effect “. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the project is based at the Kirchlich Pädagogische Hochschule Vienna/Krems (former: University of Salzburg) and the U