- Schlock Value – Reading cheap literature so you don't have to

Description: Reading cheap literature so you don't have to

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Reading cheap literature so you don't have to

Just dropping in real fast to state the obvious: I haven’t done any reviews for a bit and I just kind of dropped off the Earth there. Sorry about that, and thanks to the friendly reader who checked to make sure I’m okay!

So the truth of the matter is, yeah, I’m doing okay! In some ways the okayest I’ve ever been, actually! I’ve also been pretty busy, which is partly the reason why I’m okay but also a result of being okay, and as a result the blog has fallen a bit by the wayside. I’m very sorry about that! On the plus side, it’s generally been the positive kind of busy: I’m working on myself with my therapist, getting more active with local politics and activism, doing a little bit of gardening, developing an honest-to-god s