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Description: These blogs are multifaceted and controversial as they search for truth by exposing denials. They explore metaphysical topics while delving into the workings of the human psyche to uncover the underlying causes for personal and relationship issues. They also probe global social issues such as religion and politics.

wordpress (9072) religion (3048) opera (2155) blogs (1778) blogger (1677) truth (1111) social issues (99) denial (25) shenreed (4) personal and relationships issues (1)

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Wordpress (2012 Jan. - Present) As of 2012 Jan 21 I installed Wordpress Blog on my website and it is now my primary personal blog. It has more features than Opera, and I like the fact that I am not dependant on an outside source, other than my Web host. I know I've been lax in blogging as I was involved in gettimg my three books edited and published, and that seemed to take forever. Writing was one thing, but getting it formated for a print book and eBook is another matter. I've also been a motor vehicle ac

Opera was my personal blog that I started in January of 2007. I had moved to Opera from Blogger as it offered searchable "tags" that I felt were a must for a blog. Opera has served me well, but I felt it was finally time to host my own blog on my website using Wordpress, that I now feel gives me all the features I desire. Effective 2012 Jan 21 my new personal blog will be on Wordpress on this website, and like my other blogs, I will still link to it for refrence.

Much to my dismay, Opera blog closed down its site on March 1, 2014, and so to save my material, I had to move the entire blog over to my free Wordpress Blog that I hadn’t been using. Below is a link to the material that used to be on my Opera blog, that’s now on Wordpress.

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