- Sawubona Sikhona – Members of the northern Natal tribes of South Africa greet one another daily by saying “Sawubona”, which lite

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Members of the northern Natal tribes of South Africa greet one another daily by saying “Sawubona”, which literally means: “I see you.” The response is “Sikhona” which means: “I am here”. This exchange is important, for it denotes that ‘until you ‘see’ me, I do not exist; and when you ‘see’ me, you bring me into existence.

At an early age Jenny and Alan Dennis were inspired by the life, work and witness of former president Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu. Dr. Martin Luther King’s example further encouraged them to become active in the anti-apartheid movement in their native South Africa. In the frontline of the protests, Alan became an intermediary between police and demonstrators, while Jenny used her influence as an educator, to empower both students and colleagues, to work toward restorative justice and

Motivational Speaking Coaching and Mentoring Marriage Preparation/Counseling Spiritual Direction Conflict Management – particularly designed for groups of two or more