- Dixie's Guide to Business Correspondence

Description: A comprehensive reference guide to business correspondence presented to you by the first Cat-Expert in Business Correspondence, the incomparable Dixie Cleverelle

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Testimonial Thank you very much for your wise tips and explanations. I am really grateful that you make all this information available for everyone in such an entertaining yet clear way. I really appreciate the fact that you have covered even all the details that many people would consider obvious or silly and always leave unexplained, like questions of typesetting, paper, folding, margins and many more. A big hug from Argentina! Mariano Felice Meet Dixie Cleverelle, a very clever cat and the very first Cat

Here Dixie will introduce you to all types of business correspondence. Those of you who think they know everything there is to know about the subject will find out that Dixie possesses extensive knowledge and can pleasantly surprise even the experts by posting on this site really valuable information.

But don't just take my word on it: see for yourself. Dixie knows that if you've been involved in any business even for the shortest time you have already realized that business correspondence is a huge part of it. No matter how high or low you are on the corporate ladder, you deal with all those letters , emails , faxes , memos on a daily basis. And sometimes writing or formatting them is not as easy as you would have thought.