- Save Pluto – Save Pluto

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The Actual Story How the Vote was hijacked The full meeting video is here. The Pluto debate and vote starts at 26:10 of the IAU meeting video.: The IAU President and a small committee clandestinely and materially changed the naming resolution, kept it secret from dissenting members and the press, distributed the proposal just before the vote, rebuffed dissenters and concluded with a show of hands without an official count. The entire International As

School Children Think back to when you were a kid and how fascinating it was to gaze into the starry sky at night. School kids all over the world feel this way. Students in Clyde Tombaugh's (the person who discovered Pluto when he was 24 years-old) home town have twice used letter writing campaigns to save Pluto's planetary status. Taking Pluto away confused and saddened children, where adding could have caused expanding wonderment. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Planetary So

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