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Save Our Brass Culture Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed by New Orleans brass band members. This organization was formed to protect and serve the culture while defending its rights, creating unity, and advocating for its members.

Since 2019, there has been increasing support for and enjoyment at Brass Fest. Offering a great place for friends and family come get together and have a fun time.

Each year the Save our Brass Foundation features the best and brightest brass bands in New Orleans on stage for a festival celebrating music, community, food, and the Crescent City. Started in 2019 by Save Our Brass Culture Foundation founder Ersel Bogan III, the festival is now in its third year. The festival has featured such groups as: The Original Pinettes Brass Band, Rebirth Brass Band, Free Agents Brass Band, Da Truth Brass Band, TBC Brass Band, Mama DigDown’s Brass Band, The Roots of Music marching b