- Save Ashton Vale Environment - Protecting the Green Belt

Description: Planning permission is being sought to build 510 homes up to 5 storeys high on green belt land between in Ashton Vale, South Bristol.

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Close Home Take Action The Local Plan Green Belt Flood risk Contact SAVE are still fighting to protect the green belt in South Bristol around Ashton Vale, between Silbury Road, David Lloyd and the Park and Ride. This area of land, known to residents as Ashton Vale Fields, is under threat as the owners want to sell off one of the fields to build “ Longmoor Village “. During 2022, outline planning permission was granted to build 510 homes up to 5 storeys high (5th of October 2022; Bristol Post , Bristol 24/7

We are not against the proposed new Sporting Quarter at Ashton Gate, which was granted full planning permission at the same meeting in October 2022.

We also agree that Bristol needs more sustainable and truly affordable housing. But that does not mean building Longmoor Village on green belt land, especially when there are so many brownfield sites available.