- Savannah & Co.

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March was going to be the month that we announced our baby due in the fall. The more and more I’ve thought about it, why do we only announce the good things? Things like, the cute baby announcements, the belly bumps and the gender reveal parties. We hide behind what society says should be kept private, but that is really only for the benefit of the reader, maybe they will feel uncomfortable. Bleeding and death aren’t exactly dinner table topics. As a mom of two healthy babies with no complications, I feel l

I share my story not for sympathy. I share because 1 in 4 women will experience a miscarriage in their lifetime. I didn’t think it could happen to us, especially in our case, when we had two healthy babies with no complications. But truth is, it is very common. But, that doesn’t make it any easier. It might make it worse because it gets brushed over. We have been told, it’s ok, you can try again.

As our friends and family have found out about our baby, they began sharing their stories with me. The nurses I have interacted with along the way tell me about their babies in heaven. By sharing my story, it has been healing to talk about and others find comfort in knowing they are not alone.