- Savage Mania Night club and Male Strip Clubs with Chippendales male strippers reviews in New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic Cit

Description: Night club and male strip clubs Chippendales male strip shows in New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City.

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SavageMania Night Life Venue The Perfect Night Life Venue when you like a little of everything without wanting to rush around New York City, Philadelphia and Atlantic City New jersey to get it. An all in one entertainmant space with a full menu, live entertainment and night club areas catering to multiple styles of Music at the same time. We are open six days Mon - Sat 5pm - 4am Please call one of our Reservationists for details on groups playing in our live music venue or for weekly promoter events happeni

Copyright 2002-2011 © SavageMania Night Clubs. All rights reserved. All images and depictions of people , bachelorette parties and Events were over the age of 21 at the time they were taken

Male Strippers Revues Indulge in a Girls Night Out of Hot Men, Tasty Cocktails and Sexy Music. A vertual high energy audience participation Venue now in it's 5th year. A high energy whirlwind of gorgeous Night life and seductive sensations await you as you make your way into the most talked about male revue. You will be greeted by an entourage of finely toned greeters and Waiters whom will anxiously cater to your every whim. After you make your way to the main room, you and your guests will have a chance to