- Sri Pulikkal Vishwanagayakshi Temple

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Countless number of childless couples entreating to Nagaraja Swamy, Vishwanagayakshi Amma and Sarpayakshi Amma have been blessed with children. Pilgrims suffering from naga-doshas, sarpa-doshas, graha-doshas, skin diseases and other ailments have found panacea at Pulikkal.

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Pulikkal is abode to Nagaraja Swamy and his consorts Vishwanagayakshi Amma and Sarpayakshi Amma. They are housed within a single Sanctum, making it one of a kind for Serpent worship. Vishwanagayakshi Amma is eminent here as she in a self-manifested (Swayambhu) embodiment and an idol (Poorna) paradigm.