- Sarah Haines

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Today I'm sharing the card I made for my Mum for Mother's Day.  My Mum loves hippos and I can't resist a good punny sentiment, so I thought the hippo from Lawn Fawn's Year Four would be perfect.  However, my Mum said it took her a while to realise that 'Hippo' was supposed to sound like 'Happy'.  Oh well!  At least the card arrived on time, unlike the flowers I ordered :(

Anyway, onto the card making!  I started with the background, cutting a panel of Tim Holtz Watercolor Cardstock down to 4" by 5 1/4".  I smooshed three colours of Distress ink (cracked pistachio, peacock feathers and mermaid lagoon) onto my craft mat and spritzed it with water.  I then laid the cardstock into the wet ink and smooshed it until the card was completely covered in ink.  I dried it with my heat gun (I'm too impatient to let it air dry!) and mopped up any areas around the edges where the ink was

I stamped the hippo and bird from Lawn Fawn's Year Four stamp set, coloured the images with Promarkers and die cut them using the coordinating dies.  I die cut two circles from vellum.  On one circle I heat embossed the sentiment using Ranger Liquid Platinum embossing powder.  The 'Hippo' is from Year Four and the 'Mother's Day' is from Hero Arts Happy Stamp and Cut.  From the other vellum circle I used Lawn Fawn's Grassy Border die to cut some grass, which I then coloured using Distress Ink and an ink blen

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