- Sarah Goins, The Parent Coach

Description: Here at Sarah Goins, The Parent Coach, I know that you want to be a loving, peaceful parent that has a meaningful connected relationship with your children. In order to do that you need to find a way to reimagine and reestablish a different kind of relationship with your kids. As a Parenting Coach, I am here to support you in this journey.

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Experience peace, harmony and mutual understanding with your children

Heal the wounds you experienced as a child, so your children don’t have to

You want to feel more confident, connected and at-ease in your parenting experience. You're exhausted from the whining, arguing, boundary pushing, and power struggles. And you feel guilty for being so irritable with your kids. You promised yourself you would parent differently than your own parents. You've tried all the things to make this happen. You've listened to the podcasts, you've read books, you've looked up tips on Instagram and TikTok. And you still find yourself losing control, yelling, and punish