- Sarah Brooke Social – Lover of good coffee and chai tea. I take way too many photos and I love tattoos. Join me on my life adven

Description: Lover of good coffee and chai tea. I take way too many photos and I love tattoos. Join me on my life adventure through travel, raising a teen, my battle with Lupus, self-reflection and staying sane.

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While I miss the old me, I would never trade places with her. If I could, I would go back in time and tell her to enjoy it. I would also tell her that the best is yet to come. That as happy as she is, her heart isn’t even close to full. That not … Continue reading Dear Young Sarah

At 40 years old I am fighting for my life. I feel like I’m watching my life go by from the sidelines as I keep cheering myself on. I tell myself pushing through all the bad outcomes is my only option because surely it will get better. But it hasn’t. I’m at the end of … Continue reading Watching From the Sidelines

I haven’t written in a while. I’ve been sort of on auto pilot. The Rituxan infusions unfortunately did not work. I wasn’t able to finish the series due to reactions at the infusion center. Failing another therapy is a swift reminder that I’m just one more step closer to failure. My body is failing me … Continue reading Am I Living or Surviving?