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I have been talking to a handful of people about a new way to get a positive, informed discussion about the island’s future going. It will not be the new but something even cooler. If you want to stay in the loop, send me an email at [email protected] and I will let you know when it launches. –Grant Sanders

Article 55 is a sleeper of a zoning bylaw change. Few are paying attention. A lot of people are more concerned with the school article (12) or the Richmond Development (53) or the hospital rezoning (70). But for me, one of the most critical articles on the warrant is 55. On face value, it appears innocuous. Just a few changes to zoning here and there. A few unconnected bit and pieces going from LUG-2 (two acre zoning) to LUG 1 (One acre zoning) and when you look at it in the map supplied with the warrant (a

Think about what this article does. It takes a few strategically placed neighborhoods and upzones them. And once that happens, it opens the door to a raft of changes at future town meetings. All of the contiguous LUG-2 sections could then more easily be converted to LUG-1. And it’s a massive amount of potential increased density.