- SANAA - South African National Archery Association

Description: SANAA offers its members the opportunity to participate in all disciplines and it recognises both the WAF and the IFAA disciplines.

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Marks Park Sports Club, Johannesburg

The South African National Archery Association (SANAA) was formed in 1948 by a group of enthusiastic archers. Today, it is the National Federation for all amateur archery in South Africa and is the national governing body of the sport.

SANAA offers its members the opportunity to participate in all disciplines and it recognises both the World Archery Federation and the International Field Archery Association disciplines. In so doing, members can decide which discipline they are more comfortable with and have the opportunity to compete in target, field, 3D, indoor and outdoor events that are sanctioned by World Archery and / or SANAA using the compound, recurve or barebow.

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