- Salute The Movie – A Matt Norman Film – Salute The Movie – Starring Peter Norman, Tommie Smith and John Carlos

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This award-winning film recounts the role of a white man in a defining moment of the American civil rights movement: the 1968 Black Power Salute. When Tommie Smith & John Carlos raised their fists on the victory dais following the Olympic 200 metre final in Mexico City the repercussions were immediate. They were banished from the US olympic team and were subject to abuse and death threats on their return home. The third man on the dais had a similar experience, Australian silver medalist Peter Norman, who a

It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you a film that gives for the first time in History the truth about what really happened in Mexico City 1968, during the Olympic Games. This film is not just about the Olympic race but more about the Human Race. Civil and Human Rights injustices were at it’s worst in the 60’s but one year in particular there was more happening than ever before. The Vietnam war, Assination of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr, Mexico City Students slaughtered in the streets fo

What makes this story so important today is that most people forget the sacrifice made by the Australian Silver medalist Peter Norman… “The White Guy”. He wasn’t just a bystander of what Tommie Smith and John Carlos did but an equal participant. It has long been a mystery that Peter Norman actually went along with the stand Tommie and John made and did so knowing that this would put his life at risk. Australia had it’s own racial issues with the “White Australia Policy” in full swing, Aboriginals unable to

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