- Salomeya Bauer

Description: 左宜右有网

左宜右有网 (12)

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  中新社济南6月1日电 题:大明湖畔超然楼 半城湖色一楼璀璨  中新社记者 赵晓 李欣  “在超然楼亮灯之前,我登上了顶层,视野顿时变得开阔,能看到整座城市的壮丽景色。”听说超然楼最近非常火,在济南 ..... > > 阅读全文

Drunk Women series, 2017

‘Static artist is not interesting. The worst that can happen to an artist is to find their style. You’ve discovered – you dead. And it’s not about Lucian Freud, who hated to leave his studio. I’m talking about that search itself is an art, even if it’s searching for new wrinkles on the body or parquet’s texture’

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