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I'm a computer vision researcher affiliated with MBZUAI and ANU.

I am an Associate Professor at MBZUAI . Previously, I was a Senior Scientist at Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence during 2018-2020 and a Research Scientist in the Computer Vision Research Group (CVRG) at Data61 , CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization) from 2016-18. I am also an adjunct faculty member at College of Electrical & Computer Science (CECS), Australian National University (ANU) since 2016. I was research visitor at NICTA (National ICT Australia) in 2015 a

I have been actively working on learning from limited data (zero and few-shot learning), adversarial robustness of deep neural networks and continual life-long learning systems for computer vision problems. The above-mentioned tasks can help us realize intelligent autonomous systems that can better understand the real-world for improved recognition, detection, segmentation and detailed scene comprehension.

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