- Sakura Sunrise | Reviews, Discussion, and Analysis of Anime by Matthew Magnus Lundeen

Description: Reviews, Discussion, and Analysis of Anime by Matthew Magnus Lundeen

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Cowboy Bebop ‘s cultural influences trace heavily to classic action cinema, be it Hollywood or Hong Kong, western or noir. And though most will remember Bebop for its martial arts and the Bruce Lee stylings that define the leading man, the gunplay in Bebop scratches quite the itch.

It’s not like there haven’t been tons of good gunfights in anime, even in recent years, but they often lose out to melee combat, be it realistic or stylized. There’s something about the gunplay in anime of the 90s and the early 2000s that feels distinct.

I mean this is bad. I’ve been telling myself to continue writing in my spare time for months, but stuff kept getting in the way. At first, my job was taking up a lot of my time and leaving me not wanting to do… anything when I wasn’t at work. And now… things are a little more complicated… but also exciting.

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