- Saint Hilda's – Crofton Park SE4 | Parish of Saint Hilda with Saint Cyprian, Crofton Park SE4

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Here is a photo of this years’ display  – celebrating the  gifts of Creation and the  stewardship  of our famers. We  made a collection of Money  for the  Manna Society for  homeless in South East London,  and of  foods for the Forest Hill food bank. We major on money for the homeless at harvest, and on collecting for the foodbank in the Christmas and January period knowing that  February  is a particularly hard time for the  food bank. If you would like to contribute  please  use the BACS details below and

Thanks to all who have braved banking online to send in donations. Our bank details are to the  right.  Tip for online banking: you have to leave out the apostrophe on ‘St Hilda ‘ s’, so that it reads ‘St Hildas’ – otherwise the banks will not accept our account name. some banks accept the account name St Hilda’s PCC. do let us  know if you send a special gift.

 news paper is  once gain post covid beign delivered  to each  congreatiaon : it can  be enjoyed online  using this link  to the  online publication on the diocesan website: .