s3accesspoint.com - Amazon S3 Access Points - Amazon Web Services

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Customers increasingly use Amazon S3 to store shared datasets, where data is aggregated and accessed by different applications, teams and individuals, whether for analytics, machine learning, real-time monitoring, or other data lake use cases. Managing access to this shared bucket requires a single bucket policy that controls access for dozens to hundreds of applications with different permission levels. As an application set grows, the bucket policy becomes more complex, time consuming to manage, and needs

Each S3 Access Point is configured with an access policy specific to a use case or application. For example, you can create an access point for your S3 bucket that grants access for groups of users or applications for your data lake. An Access Point can support a single user or application, or groups of users or applications within and across accounts, allowing separate management of each access point.

Every access point is associated with a single bucket and contains a network origin control, and a Block Public Access control. For example, you can create an access point with a network origin control that only permits storage access from your Virtual Private Cloud, a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud. You can also create an access point with the access point policy configured to only allow access to objects with a defined prefixes or to objects with specific tags. If you wish to provide public a