s-benavides.github.io - Santiago J. Benavides' Homepage

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I'm a post doc at the University of Warwick, interested in turbulence and nonlinear dynamics. I am studying the transition to turbulence as well as transitions between turbulent states.

I'm a Research Fellow (post doc) at the University of Warwick interested in turbulence and nonlinear dynamics. In particular, bifurcations and out-of-equilibrium phase transitions in turbulence -- whether that's the transition to turbulence in wall-bounded shear flows (my current post doc research topic), or the unexpected critical behavior in geophysical and astrophysical turbulent systems undergoing a regime change , such as the behavior of three-dimensional turbulence as rotation is gradually increased o

I am currently working with Dwight Barkley and Laurette Tuckerman on the transition to turbulence in wall-bounded shear flows. We're looking to come up with a simplified model that can reproduce the observed phenomenology in the transition to turbulence in plane Couette flow. This is similar in spirit to the previous work of Dwight Barkley and others in pipe flow, but with the goal of both extending this to effectively two-dimensional settings, and derive the model from simulation-informed approximations to

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