- Russellville Housing Authority in Russellville, AR

Description: The Russelville Housing Authority's mission is to provide safe, decent, and sanitary housing conditions for very low-income families and to manage resources efficiently for the residents in Russellville, AR.

rentals (8063) ar (2435) affordable housing (594) public housing (77) russellville (55) equal opportunity housing (2) section 8 vouchers (2) glenwood house (1) russellville housing authority (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The Russellville Housing Authority of Russellville, AR has been managing public housing and providing affordable housing opportunities in the community since 1963. We are an Equal Opportunity Housing agency and manage 182 units of public housing, have 166 Section 8 vouchers, 9 VASH vouchers for homeless veterans, and offer exclusive housing for the elderly and disabled.

We continue to create affordable housing initiatives and make them available to individuals and families in need. We are committed to serving our residents and this entire community in a manner that demonstrates high ethical standards, professional courtesy and respect.

A five story high rise complex designed for the elderly and disabled with coin operated laundry facilities located on each floor.