- Running Ruminations – marathoning bay area wife and mom ruminating on her love of the run

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In the five or so months that I’ve been absent here, I have been somewhat quietly training for a marathon, my first since the pandemic began; the unnecessary hedging here is that if you follow my training, it was obvious that I was in road marathon training mode. I just haven’t devoted time to capturing it here due to a predictably-packed schedule from January until now, the end of the school-year. 

I won’t bury the lede, so here goes. My thirty-fifth marathon (!) on Sunday, the 2022 Mountains 2 Beach, from Ojai to Ventura, CA, was my slowest in over a decade, if not the slowest in about 14 years (I should fact-check that, but it sounds right), and it was hella memorable. Forty-eight hours post-race I’m a little gutted about how the day transpired, but the gratitude for the experience – albeit soooo profoundly far off my hopes and expectations as it is – outweighs any feelings of disappointment or gutt

One of the bad things about not writing regularly is that there’s almost always a lot of catching up, a lot of side stories to help better orient the reader as to what (or how) the heck whatever happened, happened. My attempt…