- Coping with Vestibular Disorder

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I have not blogged for a couple years because there was nothing new to say.  My balance had improved a bit due to lack of stress and walking with friends a lot for balance exercise.  However, during this COVID pandemic and general election issues, 2020 has been a stressful year.  

I have moved into an Atria Senior Independent Living apartment where they take such good care of us but my allergy congestion due to our lack of humidity in Tucson has worsened and caused restless nights of little sleep which worsens my balance and, I spent July 4th weekend in the hospital due to a fall and gash in my head.  I have been super wobbly ever since.

Neighbors and staff who see me straining to keep my balance often suggest that I should use a walker.  I have watched neighbors using walkers go up and down over curbs by tilting it ahead of them, then leveling the back wheels on the ground while leaning toward the walker before stepping down while holding onto it.  Tilting would make me fall and flip the walker.  I am able to walk slowly and carefully without any walker or cane which would just fall with me and my most difficult steps are over curbs or on